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The acquisition of Ixia by Keysight Technologies pairs two strong, complementary innovation companies. Keysight brings decades of measurement leadership, strong worldwide presence, and proven operational discipline. Ixia brings deep expertise in IP network assessment and a software-centric business team. This combination creates a global leader providing a unique range of end-to-end solutions that help our customers develop next-generation products as well as optimize and secure their networks.

solutions test, assess, and optimize networks and data centers to accelerate and secure application delivery by Network testing, Security enhancement and Network monitoring.

Ixia develops amazing products so its customers can connect the world. Ixia helps its customers provide an always-on user experience through fast, secure delivery of dynamic connected technologies and services.

Through actionable insights that accelerate and secure application and service delivery, Ixia"s customers benefit from faster time to market, optimized application performance and higher-quality deployments.

In today"s world of crippling cyber-attacks and dynamic applications, organizations need to know that their networks are secure enough to handle the worst that cyber criminals can throw at them. BreakingPoint provides test solutions to help enterprises, service providers, and equipment manufacturers:

  • Optimize firewall and other intrusion prevention systems (IPS) and security devices
  • Build networks and cloud infrastructures that are resilient to attacks
  • Perform "bake-off" evaluations on how next-generation firewalls and other security devices perform on a particular network
  • Validate and harden large 3G and 4G/LTE networks under the most realistic conditions

Now, with the new PerfectStorm Fusion load modules and XGS12 chassis, BreakingPoint is an all-in-one security and performance testing platform for massive-scale, stateful layer 4-7 application and security testing. It is the only system that provides modular scalability that achieves near Terabit levels of mixed application and malicious traffic to test all elements of today’s complex data centers.

BreakingPoint Solutions include:

  • Firewall test
  • IPS Test
  • Device Evaluation
  • DDoS Mitigation
  • DoS Test
  • DLP Test
  • Cyber Range
  • Cyber Security Training
  • Lawful Intercept Test
  • Network Security Test
  • Application Load Test
  • Server Load Test
  • IPv6 Test
  • Pre-Deployment Test

Rapid changes in the wireless network, such as the deployment of LTE, present significant opportunities and challenges to mobile operators and service providers. These changes are driven both by the proliferation of smart phones with bandwidth-hungry multimedia applications and by the adoption of these technologies from a growing subscriber base. These applications depend on a high user quality of experience (QoE) which operators must maintain and improve to gain competitive differentiation.

Since legacy TDM back haul infrastructure cannot scale to meet demand, the industry has embraced the migration to an all IP/Ethernet network for scalability and cost effectiveness. This next-generation architecture requires new technologies that support carrier-grade performance on a packet-switched network (PSN).

These promising technologies, which include Synchronous Ethernet, IEEE 1588/PTP, SAToP/CESoPSN, MPLS and Ethernet/Link OAM, require a new way of testing. Ixia Anue 3500 is specifically designed to meet these challenges and helps you answer key questions such as:

  • Can your packet switched network deliver accurate and precise timing and synchronization?
  • Will Ethernet protection mechanisms provide carrier-grade fail-over performance?
  • Will your voice and multimedia services provide acceptable QoE?
  • Can legacy TDM services be maintained over your NGN PSN?

The Ixia Anue 3500 is an intuitive test case driven solution that you can use to validate the performance of synchronization services and Carrier Ethernet functions required by next generation carrier grade Ethernet/IP based networks. With the Ixia Anue 3500, test and development engineers at any level can quickly and easily verify compliance to international standards based requirements with real-time graphed analysis and automatic pass/fail results. The Ixia Anue 3500 provides real-world testing of technologies including Synchronous Ethernet (SyncE), IEEE 1588, PTP, Circuit Emulation Services (CES, IETF SAToP, IETF CESoPSN, ITU-T Y.1413), MPLS-TP and Carrier Ethernet OA

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